Monday, April 25, 2011


Love for my favorite colours/shades


Tory Viva bag - at $395 I'll just have to look with love


Perfect outfit

Flowers in newspaper


Mar with her au natural red hair

Bold colours

Bib necklaces

Mason Jars as glasses - LOVE



Thursday, April 21, 2011


No matter how hard I try

I realize, I can not control what is out of my hands. This seems to be my constant struggle. When will I come to terms with the fact that I can not control what happens to me - try as I may. You plan and plan, and spend you waking hours trying to force something, trying to bring alive what you think is best. Do we even have any idea what is best for us? And often, when we think we do, we only sometimes get it. Only then, realizing how wrong we were. How what we thought would be our life, our path, our love, what is right, turns out to be not what we thought at all.

I need to give it up - hand it over.

Hand all of it over, and realize this is so much bigger then me...

Monday, April 18, 2011


Perfect for spring



Watching SATC2 a few days back, and commenting that I really want a dress that wraps around my furniture as I walk by (a la Carrie in her Vintage Halstons)


Lo and behold, Bought one at H&M the other day! YAY!

Miles of animal printed sheer material with slits up both sides - that is, if you can find them under all the "wrap around my furniture material"

Took the garbage out in it the other day... I know - Just wanted to be Rachel Zoe for 5 minutes

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Finished another very interesting book on the pshycology of love and marriage


...I do know that whole entire SATC scene/line off by heart - Oh shush, like you don't know it too! Like every girl doesn't?!