Sunday, February 7, 2010

And you begin to stitch. One after another/One after another

Some people are so brave.
Jenny, Brave as hell. But, if you can take the heart break because somewhere deep down you know it's not right, your heart will eventually heal. In time. Which I believe may just be the worst part - Time. A smart and vivacious woman once said...
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love. Listens, but doesn't believe and leaves before she is left" - Marilyn Monroe.
Quite a quote.
What a way to live. Never being vulnerable enough to let someone past the front lines. But I guess that's what real, authentic love requires. You let your guard down and become exposed. You love, and then inevitably hurt. And then when it ends, you hurt more. And once you finally feel like you'll never be more broken, you see the glint of a needle and slowly begin to sew up your wounds. Not without help of others who love you. But you never seem to be quite the same. Not jaded, not cautious just aware. And more often than not, a little afraid.

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